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This, this right here is ecxally what it feels like to be with you, this this right fucking here,you make everything so much better your a pain in my ass but my god your my pain, and you have no idea how much i miss you fuck im trying so hard so i can move out its so fucking i really want to cry all of the time i love you and thank you thank you so much for helping me i mean you do and dont. Inspirativne vyroky, motivacia inspiracia, inspirujuce citaty, vyroky o laske. A nejde iba o lasku medzi partnermi, ale aj medzi rodicmi a detmi. Zilina najnovsie spravy z regionu z dennika sme, tyzdennikov my a echo. Spolu zvladneme deti, manzelstvo, chudnutie, ale hlavne mat sa rady take ake sme. Zoznam registrovanych psov cokolvek preklad do anglictiny kosice znamenacek.

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